Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Blagojevich Arrested

Wasn't it exciting when the governor of Illinois got tough with Bank of America for stiffing the workers at that Chicago factory? Politicians sticking it to the corporations when the corporations stick it to the people? Well, what are the odds that now he gets arrested immediately? 10 to 1? Better? 1 to 10? I don't know how gambling works, but I think there was probably a 100% chance. Here's the story from the Associated Press.


  1. Personally I can't wait until we can see his short list of potential senators-I had heard (though I'm not sure how true this is) only one failed to actually offer anything to the Governer--a female potential senator who said the only thing she would give for the senate seat was her gratitude....

  2. definitely. maybe blagojevich is under-under cover and catching crooked wanna-be-senators! did anyone ever think of that!!!!???!

  3. Yeah, but it'd probably be easier to just swing a dead cat in DC.....
