Monday, December 8, 2008

Obama and Perdue

Barack Obama met with members of the National Governors Association last week. Obama promised tax cuts and more federal spending and told the governors he wants their input on the economic recovery.


  1. I see the handwriting on the wall, this Congress and the upcoming Congress are going down in history as spending more money than the rest of the congresses combined. I for one would like to be the first to congratulate the Congress persons on this infamous accomplishment.

    Now on to the reason why I am writing; I for one will be willing to have congress give all the bail-outs to "BIG BUSINESS" as Congress deems necessary for the LOBBY MONEY to continue flowing to the coffers of the congress persons. Just one caveat, Congress must agree to have the bail-out money include all the monies in the CONGRESSIONAL PENSION FUND ACCOUNT and that the money continue to be removed from the account every month until the bail-outs no longer require taxpayers monies.

    That we way the taxpayers will be assured that the Congressional Pension is in the same shape as the average taxpayer's pension fund.

  2. I read that Nancy Pelosi and Barney Fife, oops a slip of the tongue, I mean Barney Franks held a news conference Monday about the Auto Makers bail-out apparently it will be agreed upon soon, she hopes. These two, and several others, must feel that they have obligation to support the auto industries, oh yes I forgot about the auto industries (manufacturer's and auto labor unions) support during this last election.

    During this news conference she was quoted as saying "We call this a barbershop. Every body's getting a haircut." I think it's more like this is a "hog trough and every hog in the big auto industries will get a turn at the trough"

    I cannot believe that these two are even allowed to attend a financial services meeting of any kind with a dollar value over $1000, but what do I know? Maybe no one on the committee knows much about high finances, so they fit right in
