Thursday, December 4, 2008

Neil Patrick Harris!!

Thanks Steph!!

See more Jack Black videos at Funny or Die


  1. Well it appears to me that the both groups, the religious and the atheist, are very similar. These two groups feel superior to the the other group because of their beliefs. Neither group can prove that they are correct. Therefore myself and I'm sure many others just wish both groups would cease to expound their theories on every public platform they can find until they can prove what they preach.

  2. gay people want the right to marry. there's no legal reason they shouldn't have it. religious people are butt-inskys. when someone protests having their rights taken away, it's very different from the yammering of the people wanting to take away the rights. they are completely different. it's not about beliefs. who cares what anybody believes. the arm can swing until it hits a nose. the gay marriage arm doesn't hit any noses. their rights should not be messed with.

  3. Jack Black is JESUS! I knew's all starting to make sense.....

  4. you wondered why you felt drawn to him, didn't you? it's because he is the way. not because he's especially handsome.

  5. yes, that's that you mention it, I've always thought he had a certain charisma and charm-you think he does that whole water into wine thing?-now thats a useful skill......
