Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Like, How Many Times Can She Say Like?

I don't know why this is newsworthy but here I am commenting on it myself anyway, so whatever. Apparently Bristol Palin (yes that's the expert-on-what? daughter of at-this-point-politically-irrelevant-also-ran Sarah Palin) thinks that teen abstinence is not realistic. Could America's right have finally found its safe sex education spokesperson? Well, no. Probably not. She says teen abstinence is unrealistic, but also wants to share her story so that teens might think twice about having sex. So, basically, this interview was pointless, and thus so was this blog post. And the answer is eight, if anyone actually went and read the article.

1 comment:

  1. Gov. Palin is right to say Bristol's baby is lucky to have Bristol as a mother. With a different mother, the baby could've ended up as medical waste in a dumpster.
