Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Bobby Jindal

Yeah, Obama had his first "State of the Union" address last night (it wasn't technically a State of the Union address, but whatever), and sure it was pretty good, and I should talk a little bit about it, but I can't get over Bobby Jindal's response on behalf of the Republican Party. I mean, this is the guy the GOP appears to be grooming for a Presidential run, and, I'm, well, you know, ummmm, here's Rachel Maddow's take on it....gahhhhh


  1. I did not listen to either speech. But I did listen to the two tapes that you have shown. #1 if that is the best she can so as a reporter she should be fired. #2 I listened to about the first 45 sec. of the Gov. Jindel speech and turned it off because it sounded like one of President Obama's speech during the Dem. nomination campaign speeches, and many of the speeches during the Presidential campaign.

  2. Rachel Maddow actually has her own show on MSNBC and devoted the entire episode that night a little bit to Obama's speech, and in larger part to Jindal's response. She is actually one of the most well-spoken news show hosts out there right now, left or right, and the fact that she was that flabbergasted after Jindal's speech is a testament to how awful the speech was.

  3. Anyone who is paid to analyze the news and says they are speechless, should be fined on the spot.
    I am sure that I could find people that were pleased with the speech given by the Governor. But I'm not sure I could find anyone that would equate the speech with a testament.I will leave the testaments to the people who think of Obama in the biblical terms.
