Friday, January 30, 2009

Soldiers Committing More Suicides

What could possibly be bothering our men and women in uniform? I guess we'll see after the study.

From Big News Network:
Suicides are increasing amongst US military personnel.

The rate amongst active duty soldiers was particularly high last year with the number of soldiers taking their own lives rising to 143, up from 115 the previous year.

As the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have intensified, suicides within the forces have been rising.

Lengthened combat deployments and long periods away from family are two of the factors which are believed to have contributed to severe depression amongst the ranks.

The US Army has now commissioned the National Institute of Mental Health to do a study of factors affecting soldiers' mental health.


  1. I would say, "No, dumbasses, don't pay for that study," when the answer is so freaking obvious, but hey, it'll put some money in the economy, so what the hell--why not?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i think they should be helped by as much help as we can give them. studies, medicine, money, anything they need. what makes me mad is that it's obvious what's causing this. going to war. especially over and over. no one should go to the same war twice until we've all gone once.
