Friday, January 2, 2009

ASBL Suspects Upcoming Loophole

Lloyd Chapman of American Small Business League predicts that a rush stimulus package will include a loophole to allow fortune 500 companies in on contracts meant for small, independent businesses.


  1. Hopefully the people in Congress are beginning to notice the similarity between the direction the United States is heading and the government in Russia during the “Cold War Era”, because of these “BAIL OUT & STIMULUS PACKAGES”. It appears to be free money for US citizens and any large corporation, no strings attached, no penalties and no oversight. Free money. The only losers are the US taxpayers and small businesses. It appears to me that this is the the slippery slope to the way people lived in Russia.

    In Russia there were three classes of citizens: those people controlling the government, the elitists and the alleged working class. The elitists and government people had control of the money and products. They allowed the working class very little; this way the government and the elitists were in control of the very lives of every citizens of the working class.

    I know that you do not need a history lesson but I can not for the life of me understand why Congress is pointing fingers at everyone not involved in the operation of the government. There is an old axiom “when you point your at finger someone in an accusatory manner, your hand has three fingers pointing at yourself”. Maybe the US Congress should take a long, hard & honest look at themselves. If this happens I hope that they have the intestinal fortitude to accept the blame as well as when they give themselves accolades for things that go right.

    I think this economic problem we have now, would straighten itself out if only the news media and those in Congress (who are trying to cover their large posteriors) did not scream the “SKY IS FALLING” at every chance they get.

  2. well, i think an infrastructure boom is a good idea, but we can't let it go the way of more and more and more money getting funneled to the ceo's and shareholders that are always getting government help though somehow at the same time always thriving. infrastructure should easily be one of the almost universally accepted uses of tax-dollars, so it's a good way of providing jobs, fixing some of our junky stuff and maybe getting a little more intelligent with energy usage. ? hopefully.
