Wednesday, January 14, 2009


As promised, this reporter will be making the trek to Washington DC to claim his two tickets at the Hart Senate office building on January 19th in order to witness first-hand the inauguration of Barack Hussein Obama as the 44th President of the United States of America on January 20th. This reporter will be sending text message updates to the ACI from the inauguration ceremony and hopefully also from Obama's Pre-Inauguration Celebration on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial on January 18th. Photos and possibly some video will hopefully be posted each night.


  1. you are a credit to your non-profession, x_3mta3.

  2. Don't forget my "44" magnet or Obama and Michelle Salt and Pepper shakers or other such tasteless memoribilla--make sure you get it from the guy/girl standing in the cold selling stuff as you walk to the mall--I want something authentically tacky to remember this historical occasion--I'm showing it to the great-grandkids.
