Monday, January 5, 2009

Senate Fun

Our magnificent Democratic leadership in the Senate is now planning to block newly and controversially appointed Illinois's Roland Burris from the Senate- with the doorman. Maybe Blagojevich will show up on the Senate floor if things go right. They have a barber there, right?
And it looks like Al Franken is the winner of the Minnesota seat. Norm Coleman, although not seen as having any real chance at victory through courts or counts, is expected to try some final legal moves and delay Franken's seating.


  1. 05 Jan 09
    I have been reading lately that Senator Reid not only believes that the average American citizen gives off an offensive odor when he or she enters the Capital Building but he believes that he does not have to respect or comply with the United States Constitution nor any of the amendments to the Constitution unless he so desires to do so (or maybe he believes that he is above the U.S. Constitution).

    In my opinion the proposed action to refuse to seat the man from Illinois by these self appointed noble modern day centurions of the Constitution (Senator Reid, Durbin and others) is just short of being subversive.

    The 17th amendment grants the states in question the right and obligation to replace the outgoing member of the U.S. Senate, by the executive authority of the state. The other states, New York, Connecticut, and Colorado, are also appointing people to replace the out going Senators using the same system as Illinois. I have not read that the above mention Senators are contemplating using any tactics to prevent the seating of these people. In fact from what I have read they have every intention to swear in and seat these people.

    One could be led to believe that there is some kind of prejudicial leaning by the U.S. Senate against the State of Illinois, its governor, and/or the man selected to be U.S. Senator by the Governor of Illinois. I realize the Governor was arrested, but he has not been indicted nor impeached by the State legislature, nor has he been found guilty by any jury except the U.S. Senate and the U.S. news media.

    Another member of the U.S. Senate believes he is above the U.S. Constitution is Senator Schumer. I have read that he believes that Al Franken should also be seated even thought the election has not be certified by the State Minnesota.

  2. i'll go along with you on the seatings. i don't see how they can justify blocking burris. and al's gonna have to wait til he's certified, i would think. minnesota does what it does and illinois does what it does. follow the rules, fools.
