Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Kucinich on the House Floor Today

From Representative Kucinich's website:

Congressman Dennis Kucinich (D-OH) made the following statement about Israel’s violation of the Arms Export Control Act of 1976 (AECA) on House Floor this morning.

The AECA makes it clear that any defense articles sold or leased by the United States must not be used to escalate conflict. The disproportionate and collective punishment nature of the attacks on Gaza assure an escalation of conflict in violation of the AECA.

In a letter to Secretary of State, Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Kucinich yesterday informed administration officials of a violation of AECA, which, under AECA law, should trigger a Presidential report on the violation. Kucinich is expecting a response by the end of business today.

The text of the speech follows:

January 7, 2009

“We cannot truly celebrate a New Year, a new Congress and a new administration if all we see is the same old destruction in the Middle East with US weapons being illegally used to kill children.

“I oppose Hamas' rocket attacks on Israel. The rocket attacks, even to try to end the blockade, have no moral justification, are illegal and must stop.

“But how can Israel claim self defense when it bombs Gaza which has no army, no air force, no navy and has been under a constant blockade?

“How can Israel claim self defense when its bombs destroy UN schools, killing children?

“The children of Palestinians and the children of Israel both deserve life. But the lives of the children of Gaza are cynically discounted as "human shields". Massacres are being rationalized. Israel's "moral high ground" in Gaza, a growing pile of small bones in a graveyard.

“The Administration knows Israel is using US weapons, paid for by US taxpayers, with disproportionate force creating a collective punishment of Gazans, assuring an escalation of conflict, clear violations of the Arms Export Control Act.

“Israel was given U.S. weapons on condition they would not be used for aggression or escalation. The outgoing Administration must finally stand for the rule of law, not the rule of force.”

More on Israel, Gaza and the Arms Export Control Act:

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