Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Troy Davis and the Media at Large

I'm guessing that the previously reported information indicating that the Supreme Court was not going to hear the case came from a reporter somewhere assuming that since his case was not on the list of appeals that would be heard by the Court, released Monday, the case wouldn't be dealt with at all. Which leads into a rant on how the media in this country won't bother to research anything any more. The media is too lazy or apathetic to ask questions and get to the bottom of stories. They take what the government hands them and take it as God's word holy truth. This story from WGCL quotes CNN as reporting that the Supreme Court wouldn't intervene. The Atlanta based station didn't bother doing it's own fact checking. It just borrowed from another news source. Or at least attributed it to another news source. I could not find anywhere on CNN saying that the Supreme Court had rejected the case. The only national news programs that seem interested in actually digging into the truth are Countdown with Keith Olberman, The Daily Show with Jon Stewart, and the Colbert Report with Stephen Colbert. Note that two of those run on COMEDY CENTRAL. Here is Keith Olberman's Special Comment from last night's episode regarding the McCain campaign, and specifically Sarah Palin's, attacks against Barack Obama:

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