Friday, October 10, 2008

Sarah Palin on the Economy

Sarah Palin spoke to reporters on the campaign plane on Tuesday. An excerpt from Fox News:
Americans are caring about the problems in the economy of course And wanting to know what those long term solutions are that our ticket can provide and what the other ticket is proposing so when you talk though about what it is that we are proposing and what it is that Barack Obama is proposing again it is relevant to connect that association that he has with Ayers- not so much he as a person Ayers, but the whole situation and the truthfulness and the judgment there that you must question if again he's not being forthright in all of his answers as to how did you know him, when did you know him, why would you continue to be associated with him?

Governor Palin, let's try a multiple choice economy question. As mayor, which of these would you consider deserving of public funds: rape exams, redecorating the mayor's office, or a multi-million dollar, publicly/privately-owned sports arena?

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