Thursday, October 30, 2008

Is This Promo for Jesus or Pro Wrestling?

Because I've never interpreted either as being particularly anti-gay.

Or worried about abortion. Why do so many Christians think they have to be anti-gay and anti-abortion before any other political consideration? Because the Pope says so? (The Pope is also against the Iraq war and the death penalty.) Didn't the Protestants insist that we read the words of Jesus for ourselves? So what did Jesus say? They had abortion then; what did He say about it? What did He say about homosexuality? What did He say about spreading the wealth?

WWJD in Georgia?


  1. Is that the ultimate warrior reading that text?

  2. Congrats! You're featured at Crooks and Liars!

    Best wishes from your SC neighbor

  3. noooooo

    Is "The Macho Man"... Randy Savage.

    Seriously though, you ever feel like you are the last sane person in a world of crazy people?

  4. Why do so many Christians think they have to be anti-gay and anti-abortion before any other political consideration?

    Because that's the deal that leading theologians made with the devil at the '64 RNC to save them from the Commies.

  5. My father was a minister, so I was raised in a house that taught about the love of Christ. I have to say, though, that having seen first hand the inner workings and politics that go on inside the church and grown up and witnessed the hateful actions and prejudices these "Christians" espouse and foist on the rest of the world, I'm sorry to say I truly HATE these people and the bastardized form of religion they espouse.

  6. Ummm. Okay. This is what Americans are supposed to be worried about?

    My Bible has all this cr*p in it about "loving your neighbor," and stuff about clothing the naked and feeding the hungry. Yipes! I own a Socialist Bible!

  7. Wreslin' Jesus - now THERE's a great screen name!

  8. Only the Catholics would listen to the Pope. The evangelicals consider the Pope to be a heretic.

  9. Here's the thing about this ad that encapsulates all religion: 1) it's the same crap they've been saying for hunreds or thousands of years, and 2) it's so general it could apply to just about anything.

  10. That's not Macho Man, it's BEEF SUPREME!

  11. Ya know, it's actually kinda hard to tell what they're going on about. I mean, they do mention homosexuals a couple times, but for the most part the "praying for them" and "curing afflictions" could be taken to mean ending discrimination against them. (And unless this is a gross parody, I highly doubt the latter scenario.)

    As for Jesus being a wrestler, that would be awesome! I could ju8st see him calling out and piledriving blasphemers like Robertson, Falwell, and Hagee.

    To paraphrase Randy Savage from his appearance on Space Ghost Coast 2 Coast: Shut your pie hole, Pat! Why, two thousand years ago I woulda put your head in a half nelson, twisted it around, saying each letter of the alphabet on every turn, and then when I reached the first letter of my true love's name--that would be Mankind (in general)--I would yank your head clean off and roll it down the pike like a bowling ball!

  12. this is about proposition 8 in california. i guess the video doesn't directly refer to it, but lots of people are going to california to support it. while they pray for them they are also trying to block gay marriage.
