Friday, May 1, 2009

I Did It! I'm Mayor!

Thank you so much, fellow Dumbasses!
I read yesterday in the Metro Spirit, or Metro if you will, that I am now it. Sweet. I'm humbled.
Here is the announcement as seen in this week's issue:

Way to go Metro, for supporting your mayor with that BS of a story called "Facebook Mayor"! Dumbasses! Jill Peterson is the Mayor of Dumbasses! You've earned that title, chick!


  1. And as soon as the next election comes up, I plan on making sure that you are the true mayor of dumbasses, that is all of us dumb enough to live in this godforsaken town.....Jill for MAYOR!!!!! I gotta go warm up my badge-a-minute right now.

  2. that's right. that sheriff thing is weighing a little heavier on you now, isn't it? all the dumbasses are counting on you for our dumbass safety. and yes let's do vote for me. i'm asking matt for a month-long billboard rental for my birthday. image and slogan ideas most welcome.
