Monday, April 6, 2009

Saxby Chambliss: Seriously?

Saxby Chambliss, Republican Senator from Georgia, today responded to Defense Secretary Robert Gates' proposed defense budget with this statement: the Obama administration is "willing to sacrifice the lives of American military men and women for the sake of domestic programs."

Mr Chambliss, if you are going to criticize the President, and there are things he can and should be criticized for, please do so after checking facts and do so in an semi-informed manner. You criticize this budget because of the call to cut the F-22 Raptor program. Obviously this will cause a loss of jobs in Georgia, and will impact your constituents. HOWEVER, to claim that this budget cut will result in the deaths of American troops is fear mongering and unfounded. If anything, the budget recommendations take troops out of harm's way by significantly boosting funding for unmanned aerial vehicles and shifting troops away from Iraq. Please, sir, criticize where criticism is due, but do not make yourself look like a fool by spreading worthless, partisan propaganda.

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