Saturday, April 25, 2009

Carbo Dioxide is a Natural Byproduct of Nature...


  1. i've never really seen her in full house floor action like that before. listening to that was as painful as going to art school.

  2. I just cringe at her stupidity!
    It's almost as bad as the anti-E85 people.

    As I explained to my young daughter and her cousins, about age 9, carbon is a element that plays a critical role in our environmental cycle. Photosynthesis in plants pulls the CO2 out of the air and creates plant growth. This lowers the co2 levels in the air to a more human happy oxygen mixture. Although originally the earth had a very high co2 level in the atmosphere, the level we have now is optimal for animals and people. After millions of years of plant photosynthesis, enough organic, carbon containing, matter was buried in the ground to permanently change the atmosphere to what we have now, a high oxygen air that we like so much. The buried plant and animal material that did not rot in the air turned to fossil fuels such as coal, oil, and natural gas.

    When plants or animals rot above ground, the bacteria that eats them releases the stored co2. That's why we have smaller natural cyclical changes in the co2 level. when Fall in the U.S and Europe comes, the the co2 level begins to rise as all of the plants that grew during the summer and all of the leaves that start falling start to rot and begin releasing their pent up CO2. In the spring the level will begin to drop due to increased plant growth, the photosynthesis removes larger amounts of co2. The cycle is accentuated because the southern hemisphere has much less land mass and thus less plant mass than the northern hemisphere.

    This is where the Alcohol vs Gasoline argument gets silly. Any time you convert a "Current" plant to create fuel, your burning of it doesn't affect the average co2 level because if one didn't convert the plant matter to fuel it would have rotted anyway and still released all of it's co2 into the air. ONLY fossil fuels permanently affect the environment. It doesn't matter how much fuel it takes to process or how inefficient the process is, as long as you don't use any fossil fuels, you don't affect the co2 levels. Gasoline sales in the midwest decrease as alcohol is produced. It does not increase gas use as claimed by so many. Also, almost all corn farmers in the midwest use an alcohol blend in their harvesting equipment.
    The "Studies" that the anti-alcohol groups use are so ridiculously flawed as to be laughable, but the media can't sell ad with dull, stoic truth.

    Now we have Idiots like this lady that can't and won't attempt to reason and understand science, but simply lie, knowingly or not, to protect the petroleum industry.
