Thursday, December 11, 2008

Obama, You Do Not Want to Wake Up with this One

It's hard to leave Comedy Central with just one treat.


  1. You really don't want to wake up next to America... Sure, she's looking pretty sexy after a few martinis, but that's just the olives talking....

  2. Yeah....these days she's really not the kinda girl you take home...

  3. America is the greatest country in the world. I am sure that any US citizen who dislikes being in America can leave. You see it's a free country, and apparently there are some citizens who loathe America. I sure these malcontents have been mistreated by the government;falsely imprisoned,whipped in the public square, removed from their families and never to see or hear from them again, etc. I for one, would like to hear why they hate America other than because it vogue among a small segment of the country.

  4. America is the greatest country in the world as far as I'm concerned. It's the people in charge of her that I and many others often have problems with. One of the pitfalls of our current two-party system of government is that inevitably the nation becomes very polarized into those two sides and an us-against-them mentality develops. Thus, no matter who wins the elections, nearly half of the citizens are unhappy with the outcome. We hear someone say, "If so-and-so gets elected I'm moving out of this country." How often do people actually move? Rarely. Why? Because they claim to hate America and what she has become when they are really just unhappy with the current government. So they wait it out (because it's really not that bad) and give their opinion in the next election and hopefully it works out for them. Ultimately, no matter who is in charge at any given time, we go about our business, and are seldom truly affected by the changes in government. This is not an excuse to get apathetic, however. It is the American people who are charged with making sure her government does not bastardize what she is meant to be, and that is the plus side of the two-party system: there may be nearly half of the country unhappy with the government in place, but that's nearly half the country making sure those in power do not overstep their bounds.
