Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Worst. President. Ever.

When's the last time you were shocked by anything George W. Bush or his Justice Department did? Or by anything published in Newsweek? Well, dear, dear readers, check it out. W's John Yoo and company okayed (and seven years later- three months before Bush left office, unokayed) attacks on U.S. apartment buildings and office complexes. Surprised? Anything to get those terrorists who might do something crazy- like attack a U.S. apartment building. And, of course, it's always handy to reneg on that freedom of the press thing in times of trouble, such as the kind that includes attacking the homeland. Oh and of course more surveillance on citizens. Christ in a cave, this is a bad one.


  1. I know that many people will disagree with me, but many will agree. I believe President Obama is trying to claim the title of "Worst President" In my opinion we as a nation appear to be trying to make a prediction by Nikita Khrushchev, come to be a reality. This prediction was made sometime in the 1960’s “We don’t need to go to war with America. America will destroy itself from within as Communism takes root.”

    I am not a political pundit, just a sideline observer, but it appears to me that we have in the last 20-25 yrs moved from Capitalism to the Socialist/Communist type of society and government.

    This administration and Congress have caused panic among a majority of the US citizens with its doom and gloom” speeches. This can be verified by just listening to and reading the “average” citizens comments on the economy, home values, foreclosure, gas prices, and commodity prices. It can be seen by the lack of trust in any person or any business that has been deemed to have large amounts of money.

    This Administration and Congress seem to want accelerate the movement towards the socialist style of government as fast as possible with it’s programs and attitude. It seems that a great many of the speeches and programs are subliminally geared towards causing a great many of those that listen to the speeches to believe that “government will give you what you need and no reason to work hard to get what you want, everything will be given to you by the government. Soon, the US citizen will believe that they can only trust the “government” to give them what they want.

  2. Why is it that most of the time when the President, one of his cabinet secretaries or one of his advisors gives a speech, the stock market loses value?

  3. Anonymous,

    This is because the people that dabble in the stock market tend to be more affluent, and those that are more affluent tend to lean right, so any time anyone associated with Obama makes any comment regarding the economy, they immediately get frightened and think that anything the Obama administration does to try to fix the economy is automatically going to sink it, even though the last eight years of conservative policies have gotten it to where it is today. Presidents cannot single-handedly take blame/praise for what happens with the economy, but if my history is right, when Bill Clinton left office, the United States actually had budget surpluses and the economy was thriving.
